Helen Duplassie

Helen paints in oil, acrylic, watercolour and dye on silk.
“I want to convey to others the way I see our world. It can be something microscopic or huge and powerful. When I see something that touches me, I want to recreate that beauty or power or emotion. It can be intricate in detail or beautiful in its simplicity. I hope that it will touch my viewers in some way.”
Check out her work at www.helenduplassie.com
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Steve Wilson - Calling the Spirits

Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson, OSA. SCA, CFS, SOVA
Steve is a full time award winning visual artist and gallery owner of Steve Wilson Studios and The Gallery in Niagara Falls, Ontario, he works in Oils and Acrylic and Aqua Resin on Canvas. His Recent work deals with landscape, cityscape and urban settings and situations, Steve enjoy’s creating Dramatic imagery using light and shadow in his work, He also incorporate a satirical look at our social world and how we interact with each other. You can find hidden messages and images in his pieces engaging the viewer and challenging the way you view the world, offering a glimpse into our social structures, interactions, and how modern day technology impacts our lives. website: www.stevewilsonstudios.com email: stevesart@gmail.com.
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